TEAM-UP Download
For assistance installing, configuring
and running TEAM-UP Download, please contact your carrier's help
- or -
Email Ebix, Inc at ebixsupport@ebix.com


The TEAM-UP Download application is "driven" by its main
menu. By default the "Download" panel is active when the application
opens. Some of the selections from the main menu will open panels (screens)
that have tabs that allow for additional selections directly under the
main menu.

TEAM-UP Download has several options that may be invoked from the tray
icon. The options are shown in the figure below. These options perform
exactly the same functions as are available from within the application.
- Double-clicking on the icon will Open the TEAM-UP Download application.
- Right-clicking on the icon will display the menu shown below.

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- TEAM-UP Download will download all carrier download files at the
click of a button. By default, the AL3 "Policy Files" for
all installed carriers will be downloaded each time the Download
button is clicked.
NOTE: Applied users may receive company edits via TEAM-UP Download.
If any of your carriers transmit company unique edits, you may check
the "Company Edits" box in order to receive these file updates.

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The archive screen will allow you to perform "RESENDS" at
the click of a button. These files are stored at the carrier (not directly
on each agent's machine). Each carrier can store an unlimited amount
of files in their archive. Most carriers typically save 30, 60, or 90
days worth of files in their archive. A list of any and all available
files are available from each carrier that is set up on your system.
- Select the company from the drop-down list at the top of the screen
- Any files that are available, but have not yet been downloaded
will appear in the top half of the screen
- Any files that have already been downloaded appear on the
bottom half of the screen.

- Download Current: downloads only files in
the "Current Files" section of the screen. This will ignore
any selected files in the "Archive" section.
- Download Archive: downloads only files in
the "Archive"section of the screen. This will ignore any
selected files in the "Current Files" section.
- Download All: downloads all selected files
- Search: TEAM-UP Download allows you to search
all archive files for individual transactions within the archive.
Simply click on the Search button and enter either the Insured
Name or Policy Number. The list of files will display only those files
that match your search criteria.

Click on the "..." (More) button to display the
in detail transactios within the file (sample below). You can then
select any one or multiple transactions (policies) from the file.
Click Save when finished and then click Download Archive
to retrieve the transactions.

- Refresh: The Refresh button will remove any of the search
criteria and display the full archive.
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Several different reports are available from TEAM-UP Download. First,
select a company and then a report.
Available Reports are:
- Last Download details: provides transaction (policy) level detail
on all transactions in the download file
- Download Log:
- Download Details: provides a full history of all downloaded files
(and transactions within the files)

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The Contact Info tab displays and allows users to update
their Agency Name and personal contact information (e.g. Name, Phone,
email and location)
The Agency System tab allows users to change the configuration
for a new agency system. The screens will be very similar to the
setup screens that were used to originally setup TEAM-UP Download.
All default paths for the new agency system will be automatically
detected by TEAM-UP Download.
The Companies tab allows agents to add, modify or delete
a company's configuration within TEAM-UP Download.
- Add: This will invoke the "Add Company" wizard that
will configure a new company for download. Agents will need to
know the Carrier-ID and have a user-name and password for the
carrier. If you are not sure if one of your carriers is using
TEAM-UP Download, please contact ebixsupport@ebix.com
- Edit: This will walk you through the setup screens for the carrier.
This would typically be required to update a carrier with contact
- Delete: This will delete a carrier from your configuration of
TEAM-UP Download.
- Info: The Info button will display a screen similar to the graphic
below. It will display information such as the download path used
for the carrier and the scheduled time used to retrieve download
files from the carrier.

The Scheduler tab displays scheduler settings for all companies
configured within TEAM-UP Download. Clicking within the "Hour",
"Minute", or "AM/PM" cells for each company
will allow you to edit the settings for the company. The scheduler
may also by turned on or off by clicking within the "Schedule"
checkbox for each company.

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The "Help" screen will display the current version of the
TEAM-UP Download software that is running on your desktop. This screen
also provides a link to open the Help screens for the application.
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